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Meet four native moose scientists!

NPLSF scholarships bring researchers to 2024 North American Moose Conference

The North American Moose Conference is an annual gathering of wildlife biologists, natural resource specialists, tribal, state, federal and provincial agency managers from the U.S., Canada and beyond, all working together to protect this iconic, vital species. 

In partnership with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (Anishinaabe), NPLSF provided

four $1,500 travel grants for Indigenous moose researchers to attend the 2024 North American Moose Conference in Utah in May.

Meet the four researchers who received a scholarship. 

Pat McGovern is a Fish & Wildlife Biologist for the Coeur d’Alene Tribe in northern Idaho. A native of Maryland, he received his B.S. in Biology from Davidson College and M.S. in Wildlife Ecology from Iowa State University. His graduate work focused on habitat use and survival of white-tailed deer fawns, but his career has given him the opportunity to work with species ranging from screech owls to African elephants.

As a biologist for the Tribe, Pat is responsible for the monitoring and management of all wildlife species on the Reservation and throughout the Tribe’s Ceded Territory. While game species including deer, elk, moose, and waterfowl make up a large portion of the day-to-day work, he is fortunate enough to pursue projects on eagles, wolverine, and other creatures when the opportunities arise.

When asked about the conference, Pat said “It was great having an opportunity to share some of the long-term monitoring work the Tribe has done, and discuss survey/analysis methods with other managers and researchers.”

Katie Harris is a third year PhD Candidate at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, and a member of the Métis Nation. Her research focuses on examining and understanding the impacts of urbanization and urban development on wildlife ecology and biodiversity in Saskatoon.

Kate is passionate about wildlife and conservation; and grew up in Northern Canada and have spent much of my life happily wandering outside and engaging with nature. She loves hiking, fishing, camping, bird watching, and generally just existing outdoors.

Katie said the conference was “an incredible opportunity to expand my understanding and learn about moose and moose management from those who have spent their lives in the field. I loved having the chance to explore a new part of the world while learning and networking.” Her highlight of the week was hiking in the Wasatch Mountains.

Kaylie Durglo is a MS student working with the University of Montana’s Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit. She is Wildlife Biologist for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. She grew up on the Flathead Indian Reservation and is a member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. She received a B.S. in Conservation Biology and Ecology from Montana State University in 2019.

Her MS research aims to better understand how moose select habitat on the Flathead Indian Reservation and how that information can be used to make informed management decisions for moose conservation. More broadly, her research interests include decision analysis, spatial ecology and resource use, and conservation planning. With the bulk of her current research focusing on different aspects of moose ecology and management, the conference was an excellent opportunity to meet with some of the national and international leaders in moose research and conservation.

Kaylie said “the conference provided some context for future research directions my program could take, as well as some contacts to reach out to for help. Not only was the conference very informative, but it was really fun as well! I hope to attend many more conferences in the future.”

Landon Magee is a member of the Blackfeet Nation, whose deep-rooted connection to the land was cultivated through childhood hunting and fishing adventures with his father. This profound bond with nature has been the driving force behind his academic and professional pursuits in wildlife biology.

Landon holds a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology from the University of Montana and is currently advancing his expertise through a Master's program in the same field. His thesis explores the use of trail cameras to estimate moose abundance and calf:cow ratios within the Blackfeet Reservation and Glacier National Park. During the summer months, Landon works as a Wildlife Biologist for the Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife Department, addressing the intricate challenges of human-bear conflicts and providing additional support for the Tribe’s other research projects. Landon presented his M.S. research on moose abundance estimation.

He shared, “It was great to share my findings and get feedback from others in the moose world and scientific field. It was also the first time I presented on some of my results. The conference was also a fantastic networking opportunity. I connected with a lot of professionals and researchers, which may hopefully lead to some exciting collaborations in the future.”

NPLSF is committed to an Indigenous-centered approach to helping our area’s struggling moose population, and is proud to support these researchers.


About The NPLSF

The National Parks of Lake Superior Foundation (NPLSF) exists to provide financial support for projects and programs that preserve the natural resources and cultural heritage of the five Lake Superior national parks: Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Grand Portage National Monument, Isle Royale National Park, Keweenaw National Historical Park, and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.

Funded through grants and private donations, NPLSF projects and programs ensure that these great parks and historic sites are maintained for the enjoyment of all current and future visitors.

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